Help us make sure the new Prime Minister doesn’t derail the Renters' Reform Bill.
New laws to better protect private renters has been more than three years in the making, since Theresa May committed to abolishing Section 21 in April 2019.
The Conservative Party was elected on a manifesto pledge to reform renting and the promise to take action has been restated in each Queens Speech since.
In this time the need for substantial reform has become clearer - the National Audit Office itself said the existing regulatory system is “not effective in ensuring the sector is consistently fair for renters or that housing is safe and secure.”
Finally, in June the Government published the long-awaited White Paper, “A Fairer Private Rented Sector”.
Yes, we need to hammer out the detail to make sure every change improves the lives of renters - but it is a serious and ambitious plan to reform the private rented sector and will can lead to better protections for the 4 million households who rely on this sector for their home.
The reforms in the White Paper will improve the lives of private renters. By making it harder for bad landlords to operate it will also benefit good landlords.
Our Prime Minister cannot derail this, Bill. Tackling the issue of security and quality in the private rented sector matters too much.
The Renters' Reform Bill cannot be delayed or watered down - or worse: scrapped completely.
This would be devastating for private renters.
Read our Deputy Director Dan Wilson Craw's verdict on the White Paper here.
Ask your MP to back the Bill
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