Politicians listen to Generation Rent because we bring together the voices of renters throughout the UK. Supporters share views and experiences through our regular surveys - but sometimes a handful of multiple choice questions are not enough. Sometimes we need to dig deeper.
Our Renters' Panel is a group of ordinary renters around the country who we ask to test out policy ideas, initiatives and services aimed at renters to see if they actually help improve life for Britain’s renters.
Why join?
As a member of the Renters' Panel, you will get your voice heard on issues that could make a real difference to renters' lives.
You don’t need to be an expert. What's important are your experiences as someone who rents from a private landlord.
You can contribute as little or as much as you like. Pick and choose the time you give and the topics you engage in. And we will share with you interesting results so you can see what other panel members are saying.
All information we collect from members of the Renters' Panel is processed anonymously and securely.
Sign up here to find out more - when you hit Submit, we'll send you an email with the next steps.