24 hours to win £40,000 (and help renters)

Aug 28, 2014 12:38 PM

Tomorrow lunchtime is deadline for the Housing Open Data Challenge. http://www.nesta.org.uk/housing-open-data-challenge

The process for entering the challenge is

  1. Sign up to Collabfinder (this requires having a facebook account) http://collabfinder.com/groups/housing-open-data-challenge
  2. Create a project in Collabfinder

3 finalist teams get £5,000 to build a proof of concept. The winning team gets £40,000 to build it.

Entrants don’t originally have to be in a team – they can enter as an individual - and if they lack any tech skills for example, we’ll help network them with potentially useful team members. This report has some free ideas in it too if anyone wants to take them forward.

Do you know who might be interested into applying? Incidentally, I’m neither a judge nor entrant in this competition – I’m a sort of cheerleader.

Many thanks



Alex Hilton

Director, Generation Rent